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OAHI - Ontario’s Authority For Home Inspectors - The Law Since 1994 (Bill Pr158)

About the OAHI

Through education and advocacy the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors cultivates a thriving home inspection industry based on the highest standards of professional development and ethical standards. In doing so, OAHI cultivates the ‘gold standard’ for home inspectors among consumers and the government. OAHI is the only provincially recognized body of home inspectors by The Ontario Association of Home Inspectors Act, 1994. OAHI is a not-for-profit association.

OAHI member inspectors see homes differently.

"I have now been a home inspector and a member of OAHI for 15 years. I have always stayed with OAHI as it’s the only organization that I have ever had referrals from." Dave Leebody of Northern Healthy Homes Inc in Sudbury


"I want to thank the OAHI and everyone involved, for the continued support and professionalism which I have experienced, since I became a member of the OAHI, back in 2003. The past 16 years have been a great experience in my life, and I will definitely miss being a member and attending the various functions, meetings, and educational seminars." A past OAHI member who relocated to another province.

The Ontario Association of Home Inspectors Act, 1994 received Royal Assent on Dec. 9, 1994 in the Ontario legislature.

The Ontario Association of Home Inspectors (OAHI) operates as a not-for-profit

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  • The Ontario Association of Home Inspectors is dedicated to enhancing the technical skills and professional practice of home inspectors, and maintaining high professional standards through education and discipline.
  • To promote public awareness of the advantages of a home inspection.
  • To promote excellence within the profession by following the OAHI Standards of Practice which provides inspection guidelines, and the OAHI Code of Conduct, which defines the member's responsibility to act in a strictly fair, impartial, and professional manner.
  • To interact with other related professional bodies, representing practitioners in real estate, technology, the legal community, and government bodies.
  • The OAHI is committed to continue with its efforts to gain and maintain recognition within the professional community on behalf of all its members. Through hard work and the dedication of many volunteers, the OAHI, in just a few short years, has established itself as the undisputed voice for home inspectors in Ontario.


  • Through your membership you have the opportunity to work together with and facilitate the efforts of other OAHI members and related organizations in promoting the benefits of professional home inspectors.
  • OAHI is your voice to certain levels of government, and all other related industries such as real estate, banks, legal professions, relocators, etc., for accomplishing mutual goals.
  • Consumers are entitled to the best, and the best you can give them is the backing of a professional association. This will create confidence in your business.
  • OAHI membership is your "passport" to networking with other professional home inspectors and industry related professionals, as well as seminars and workshops for personal and professional upgrading along with new trends in business which are ongoing throughout the year at all the meetings.
  • OAHI has developed strong educational programs, in cooperation with community colleges, that offer comprehensive training courses in this profession. When you have completed the requirements, you will have an instant market that accepts these qualifications.
  • OAHI-Registered Home Inspectors and Associate members of the OAHI may make reference to the OAHI on company letterhead, advertising and other promotional publications to help you grow and prosper in your business, (subject to the restrictions of each category as outlined in your 'Membership Information and Requirements' and in the 'Bylaws of the OAHI'. Only those 'Applicant Members, and Candidate ' who have had their reports verified may also make reference to the OAHI and use the OAHI logo. Members are encouraged to attend our education programs and seminars to keep up to date with new technologies, procedures and tools of the trade.


Considerable experience, education/training, field work and expertise are required for successful performance in this profession. No single source of information is sufficient to launch a competent practice in this field. It is a combination of all.

First, there is no other profession or line of work that would fully prepare you to become a home inspector. Although construction related fields require an understanding of how new homes are built, they rarely deal with the extended use and age related deterioration of components that the home inspector encounters daily. You will need extensive detailed knowledge in many areas such as electrical and plumbing systems, heating and cooling systems, roofing, attic structures, as well as interior components and structures.

You will also require knowledge of components that are obsolete yet still in service. No single course, nor even a collection of courses can prepare you for all of the significant conditions that occur in the field. The ability to recognize a condition or defect that may be a problem comes in part from experience with "what can go wrong".

OAHI meetings, workshops, education conferences, and webinars, are also instrumental in producing well qualified professional inspectors. Inspectors who lack exposure to more disciplined and formal training and rely on their "experience" only are at risk for having difficulty distinguishing between arm-waving opinions and well researched authoritative sources of information. This is a critical distinction if you are to practice as a qualified professional, rather than simply as a generic business operator.

The OAHI has recognized that and requires that certain specific courses are mandatory baseline requirements to ensure that its members are above the crowd and true professionals.

The best credential you can have in the home inspection profession is membership in the OAHI. Its members are widely recognized. Anyone interested in the business should become an Applicant or Student member as early as possible. This can enhance your competence and professionalism. Remember, your customer's expectations will be very high. In order to meet those expectations, you will need to be very good and very careful. Sharing ideas and experiences with others in the business can be extremely valuable to the survival of your business. Note: The courses can be done in any order; if you are not sure that this is the field for you... new home inspectors have indicated that by taking the weekend Defect Recognition Course first was a valuable tool in their decision. At this course, you meet those in the same situation as yourself, as well as veteran Inspectors, and knowledgeable instructors.

Getting Started

As a minimum, you will need required education, sufficient working capital, a reliable vehicle, a computer, and sufficient basic inspection tools. Your best source of information about these items as well as how to proceed towards obtaining your professional status, is by joining the OAHI. We invite you to fill in the Membership Application online. Those aspiring to become members must first apply as a new "Student" (non-practicing) or "Applicant" (practicing) member. For those requiring an assessment of their credentials, please allow approximately six to eight weeks.