Committee List 2023/2024
Admissions Review Committee / Board of Examiners
Terry Carson, RHI |
CHAIRJohn Hansen, RHI |
Robin Green, RHI (Retired) |
Alden Gibson, RHI |
Mandate To assess members' credentials, and to make recommendations to the membership on all matters of an educational nature including development of courses, seminars, programs, and related activities. |
Alrek Meipoom, RHI |
David Hellyer, RHI (Retired) | Murray Parish, RHI |
Discipline & Professional Practices Committee (DPPC)
Murray Parish, RHI |
CHAIR Michael Greenberg, RHI |
Trevor Welby-Solomon, RHI (Retired) |
Mandate To consider any OAHI member complaint from the public and to investigate and consider the conduct of any OAHI member. To inquire whether any OAHI member has committed any infringement of the bylaws or has otherwise been guilty of conduct unbecoming a member. |
Bob Brander,RHI |
Education Program & Conference Committee
James Buren, RHI Chair | |
Murray Parish , RHI
Tom Rando, RHI |
Mandate The Education Program Committee shall organize in-house speakers and seminars. |
Bob Brander, RHI |
Alrek Meipoom, RHI |
John Hansen, RHI |
Terry Carson |
Public and Member Relations Committee
Andrew Fazekas |
CHAIRJames Buren, RHI |
Murray Parish.RHI |
Mandate To develop and implement goodwill with the public and outside organizations to further the objectives of the Association. |
Elections Committee
CHAIRSteve Love, RHI
Mandate To conduct the annual election of the board of directors. |
Finance Committee
Fatima Au |
CHAIRMurray Parish, RHI |
Nicole Ziya |
Mandate To assist the Treasurer in regards to the finances of the Association, and assist in providing financial reports to the members. |
P&P Committee
James Buren, RHI |
OAHI Registrar |
Murray Parish, RHI |
Mandate To make recommendations to BOD and update the Policy and Procedures Manual |
By-laws Committee
Terry Carson, RHI |
CHAIRSteve Ott, RHI |
Murray Parish RHI |
Mandate To periodically review necessary revisions regarding the OAHI By-laws |
Website Committee
CHAIRJames Buren, RHI |
Aaron Schrijver |
Mark O'Brien |
Mandate To review and ensure the website is optimal |
Technical Review Committee
ChairTerry Carson, RHI |
Mandate The technical Review Committee shall make recommendations on the technical issues that affect practices of members. |
Murray Parish, RHI |